Employees performance and wellbeing are core aspects thatmany organizations aim to achieve. Job design theory providedstrong implication and guidelines to help practitioners to achievesuch goal. job design theory in the beginning of 20th century wasconcerned with splitting work into as many simple task as possibleas a way of enhancing performance, reducing costs, and bettercontrol of production process, the subsequent job design theoriesfocused on developing methods to overcome the negative effects ofsimplified jobs on people?s behavior and fatigue. However, by thebeginning of the 21st century in which many western countries haveimposed legislation to ban the simplified jobs, job design theoryshould be expanded from the narrow focus of job enrichment (theopposite of job simplification) to the wider perspective of jobquality. That is, job design research should be more proactive andshould be dictated to answer the wider question of ?how to designquality jobs??. This piece of work is dedicated to helppractitioners to focus on new aspects when attempting to design orredesign jobs which current research emphasized their importance incontemporary jobs.