This study of ecological spirituality focuses on the integration of humanity's interdependence with the created world and the self-transcending experience of a life centered in God. The fundamental question of this work is: can Christianity with its biblical and theological traditions form a basis for a Christian ecological spirituality. Building on a close, contextualized reading of the first creation story in Genesis, this book constructs a Christian ecological spirituality using an environmental ethic that recognizes humanity's place within the created order, a theological anthropology that affirms the material world, and a Christian spirituality that recognizes the reality that the quest for God can happen as persons interact with the natural world. Rooted in a passionate concern for the welfare of Earth that is also grounded within the Christian tradition, this book can offer inspiration and insights for persons who desire to live in a way that integrates an ecologically responsible life with a quest for the Mystery that is revealed in and through the natural world.