Ein neues Erlebnis von Kirche - das verspricht die freikirchliche Gemeindegründungsbewegung »International Christian Fellowship« (ICF). Ihre Gemeinden bieten einen Mix aus konservativen Inhalten und progressivem Design. Damit stoßen sie vor allem bei jungen Menschen auf Resonanz. Die Studie untersucht mithilfe von qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden das ICF im Deutschland. Sie beantwortet die Frage nach dem Profil, der Gestalt und dem Handeln des ICF und liefert empirische Erkenntnisse über die Angehörigen des ICF und deren Motivation, sich einer Gemeinde des ICF anzuschließen. Darüber hinaus zeigt sie auf, wie sich Gemeinden des ICF in die bestehende Kirchenlandschaft einfügen und welche Faktoren die Dynamik zwischen Gemeinden des ICF und anderen Gemeinden in der Region beeinflussen.
[A new Experience of Church!? An Empirical Study about the Church Planting Movement International Christian Fellowship in Germany] A new experience of church - that is what the church planting movement »International Christian Fellowship« (ICF) promises. Its churches offer a mixture of conservative content and progressive design that resonates especially with young people. The study examines ICF in Germany, using qualitative and quantitative research methods. It answers questions concerning the profile, the form, and the actions of ICF and provides empirical evidence about the people who are a part of ICF, and their motivation to join an ICF church. In addition, the study shows how ICF churches integrate in the existing landscape of churches, and which factors influence the dynamic between them and other churches in the region.
[A new Experience of Church!? An Empirical Study about the Church Planting Movement International Christian Fellowship in Germany] A new experience of church - that is what the church planting movement »International Christian Fellowship« (ICF) promises. Its churches offer a mixture of conservative content and progressive design that resonates especially with young people. The study examines ICF in Germany, using qualitative and quantitative research methods. It answers questions concerning the profile, the form, and the actions of ICF and provides empirical evidence about the people who are a part of ICF, and their motivation to join an ICF church. In addition, the study shows how ICF churches integrate in the existing landscape of churches, and which factors influence the dynamic between them and other churches in the region.