Achievement is tantamount to educators. Middle
school is a time of transition, when students
develop faster than any other time in their lives.
Middle school achievement tends to fall after
elementary school, but this is often the first time
students have had access to exploratory content
outside of the core curriculum. This study of
Colorado middle schools and accountability reports
from the school year 2003-2004 attempts to identify
and examine factors that affect student achievement
as defined by the school s score on the Colorado
Department of Education School Accountability
Report, including exploratory courses offered, daily
attendance rate, enrollment stability rate,
discipline incidents reported, and free and reduced
lunch rate. While exploratory course information
does not add predictability to the model of
achievement, slight correlations with achievement
were noted, and larger correlations between other
factors and achievement were seen.
school is a time of transition, when students
develop faster than any other time in their lives.
Middle school achievement tends to fall after
elementary school, but this is often the first time
students have had access to exploratory content
outside of the core curriculum. This study of
Colorado middle schools and accountability reports
from the school year 2003-2004 attempts to identify
and examine factors that affect student achievement
as defined by the school s score on the Colorado
Department of Education School Accountability
Report, including exploratory courses offered, daily
attendance rate, enrollment stability rate,
discipline incidents reported, and free and reduced
lunch rate. While exploratory course information
does not add predictability to the model of
achievement, slight correlations with achievement
were noted, and larger correlations between other
factors and achievement were seen.