In Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) mobile computer
devices create
a network by using wireless communication. In
contrast to normal
networks with a fixed infrastructure, the
participants of MANETs
have to work cooperatively because packets for other
nodes have
to be forwarded so that also distant nodes can
communicate with
each other.
In particular internal attacks by network
participants have to be
considered because the physically access to the
mobile devices is
easy. Therefore it is important to introduce an
Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) that is specialized to the requirements
of MANETs.
One special aspect of such systems is that they have
to be
implemented on every node but have to work
cooperatively with
others. This mechanism is used and enhanced in this work.
The main aspect is the distribution of reputations
about other
nodes. Every node is running an own local IDS that
provides data
for the reputation calculation that is exchanged
Therefore a node gets reputations about all other
participants of
the network from its neighbors. The concept of this
work describes
with processes and algorithms a way to exchange
between network participants.
devices create
a network by using wireless communication. In
contrast to normal
networks with a fixed infrastructure, the
participants of MANETs
have to work cooperatively because packets for other
nodes have
to be forwarded so that also distant nodes can
communicate with
each other.
In particular internal attacks by network
participants have to be
considered because the physically access to the
mobile devices is
easy. Therefore it is important to introduce an
Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) that is specialized to the requirements
of MANETs.
One special aspect of such systems is that they have
to be
implemented on every node but have to work
cooperatively with
others. This mechanism is used and enhanced in this work.
The main aspect is the distribution of reputations
about other
nodes. Every node is running an own local IDS that
provides data
for the reputation calculation that is exchanged
Therefore a node gets reputations about all other
participants of
the network from its neighbors. The concept of this
work describes
with processes and algorithms a way to exchange
between network participants.