Fifteen years after a devastating accident in a Japanese forest when his best friend Ayumu vanished, Genji-now known as Dylan-lives a new life in Canada. Tormented by guilt and haunted by the past, Dylan struggles to find peace. His mother's selfless decision to send him away from their homeland has done little to ease his pain. When Dylan crosses paths with Felix, a mysterious figure who seems to appear too often to be mere coincidence, old wounds are reopened. As Dylan delves deeper into Felix's enigmatic presence, he is forced to confront long-buried secrets and face the truth about the accident that changed his life forever. In this poignant exploration of grief and redemption, Dylan's journey reveals how the past continues to shape the present, and how acceptance might be the key to his salvation.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.