Why struggle and live paycheck to paycheck when you can open up the door that will change your life? Buy It, Sell It, Make Money is about buying and spending wisely to recession proof your life. It is not about clipping coupons to save twenty cents on a bottle of ketchup. It's about increasing your buying power and living richly without risky investments, real estate schemes or a million dollar paycheck. Buy It, Sell It, Make Money reveals secrets the family has used over the last forty years to acquire luxury goods by reselling items to earn a profit employing their unique Flipster System. This field guide teaches you how to: Spend wisely to increase your buying power Resell goods for profit to have the financial freedom Pay pennies on the dollar for both new and secondhand, name-brand goods Negotiate prices Buy high-end goods in secret places Live life richly without a huge paycheck Anyone can achieve financial independence with zero start up cost. Become a Flipster with Buy It, Sell It, Make Money, and carefully build your own personal wealth as you live a more rewarding and fulfilling life-starting today!
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.