Africa still finds itself in the clutches of poverty and underdevelopment. The expected benefits from economic restructuring have not been realized and the debt burden continues to weigh heavily on African economies, constraining the possibilities of growth. Problems that have existed since the 1960s remain and links with the global economy continue to increase but fall short of requirements. Against this background it is not surprising that the vast majority of African states will not meet the Millennium Development Goals. The search for political systems that can deliver development have been categorized by cynics as old wine in old bottles with new stickers. As the dividends from globalization elude Africa in the 21st century, it becomes clear that it is a series of failed states, rogue states and even stateless states. This volume brings together leading researchers and analysts to examine issues and identify policy options which can lead to renewal in Africa. It provides an opportunity to reflect and offers a critical multidisciplinary appraisal of the future challenges facing Africa.