This book discusses three novel applications based on a Sub-Synchronous Series Controller that has a strong positive impact on power system. First novelty of the research presented is the introduction of a SSSC for the design & implementation of shared/robust control on the Gulf Co-operative Council grid.Second novelty is describing the operation of the SSSC device using three control limits based on the PI controller s three sets of new tuning parameters attained by incorporating a COOPER control optimization. These parameters will adjust the SSSC device compensation factor in both capacitive & inductive modes, the compensation factor limit being minimum at +/- 2%, medium at +/- 4%, & maximum at +/- 6%, depending on power/voltage deviations.Third novelty is described the SSSC device selection at the optimized location by using the Wideband Delphi iterative-based value estimation method. WBD weaknesses & strengths are also discussed by comparing proven practical results attained using the Genetic Algorithm. It is shown that a SSSC device has a strong impact on enhancing the P/Voltage between Oman and UAE & also its positive impact on neighboring countries.