My interest in local communities in the East End was developed during the MA London Studies course at Queen Mary University of London studying at the Geography Department 2008-2010 as a part time student while working in the heritage sector. I wanted to examine the use of oral history in documenting and recording of people lives in recent times in the East End of London. I have chosen to look at how a museum in East London uses oral history to represent individuals and local communities in the East End of London. The V&A Museum of Childhood launched a new temporary gallery telling the stories of the East End s diverse communities. This temporary gallery was devoted to telling local stories, of children and communities of London s East End. It opened in 2005 at the V&A Museum of Childhood to tell the childhood stories of diverse communities of East London past and present using objects, photographs, audio, film and interactive games. A temporary gallery was devoted telling stories, of children and communities of London s East End as a World in the East End. I wanted to know if it had succeeded according to the people who were involved.