Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed drugs in hospitals. Because of an overall rise in health care costs, lack of uniformity in drug prescribing and the emergence of antibiotic resistance, monitoring and control of antibiotic use are of growing concern and strict antibiotic policies should be warranted. Before such policies can be implemented, detailed knowledge of antibiotic prescribing practice is important. The reemerging interest in prescribing decision support reflects the recent change in emphasis from support for diagnostic decisions towards support for patient management and from systems targeting a broad range of clinical diagnoses to task-specific and condition-specific decision aids. According to the study, antibiotics of cephalosporin group are the most popular today. Among all the available dosage forms, injections seem to be the most widely used form for antibiotics in the hospitals. The outcome of this study says that, the potent and broad-spectrum antibiotics are most frequently used in Dhaka City.