The story "One Eyed Merchant" revolves around a young boy, Ogudirim, and his journey from childhood to adulthood. It provides lessons on family relationships, personal growth, responsibility, and dealing with challenges in life. The story begins with Ogudirim, who is a Junior Secondary School student, involved in a minor conflict with his younger sister, Ijeoma, over a fruit they both took from each other. This situation is resolved by their mother, Mrs. Combusine, who teaches them the importance of fairness and understanding.As the story progresses, we learn about Ogudirim's everyday life. He assists with household chores and goes to school, where he starts developing a deep curiosity about the world. His father, Mr. Combusine, encourages him to read the newspaper, sparking his interest in current events and broadening his understanding of societal issues. This simple act of reading becomes a turning point in his intellectual growth, as he begins to ask deeper questions about labour, the economy, and the world around him.