A Current Mirror (CM) is one of the most imperative building blocks widely used for developing many analog/mixed mode Integrated Circuits. It is used for current amplification, biasing and as active load in circuits like operational amplifiers, operational trans-conductance amplifiers, second generation current conveyers, operational mirrored amplifiers, current feedback operational amplifiers, analog filters, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters etc. A CM when used as an active load helps to increase gain deprived of increase in power- supply, power dissipation and chip area. It can copy a reference DC bias current across various circuit stages that can track changes in supply voltage or temperature. Thus, it helps to reduce difficulty by removing the requirement of precision resistors external to chip. Also, current amplification can be achieved by adjusting the aspect ratio of the MOSFETs forming primary CM pair. From now, improving performance characteristics ofa CM plays a vital role in deciding the overall performance of the CMOS circuits.
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