Adequate calcium intake during growth is utmost important in order to achieve the peak bone mass that may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other disorders like, hypertension, colon cancer,etc. These days, osteoporosis has become an important degenerative disease generally in the globe and particularly in Asia. It has been estimated that in the next century 50% of hip fractures will occurs in Asia. Chronic inadequate calcium intake from diet is one of the reasons in the etiology of numerous disorders. Other issue that lactose intolerant people may have no access to get a well balanced calcium diet. This boom in popularity has triggered a rise in the need for marketing. A negligible academic literature exist on how to best utilize this new and budding arena for advertising ventures, especially in Pakistan, where wheat is used as a staple food. This book, therefore, provides a new metric of success for calcium fortification to more traditional cost analysis that is being used by different companies.This unique research consist 3 sections (1)Proximate composition(2) Minerals profile and (3) sensory evaluation, of whole wheat flour breads fortified with different calcium source.