The psychological conflict faced by the Adolescents in confronting Family and religious practices and individual autonomy is a complex issue. This reality exists in all social contexts. One of such ancient context is called Tamil Culture, in the southern part of India. Our research is focused on Adolescents of this ancient Tamil Cultural Context. Thus the aim of this work is to understand the psyche of the Adolescents of Tamil culture, in South India, comparing with Tamil immigrants from Sri Lanka living in Palermo, South Italy. We verify 3 hypotheses, using 4 tools, 225 adolescents as subjects, 3 locations and 3 theories. The data analysis not only unveils the truth of the hypothesis but closely opens up many new vistas of the adolescents' psychological and deep rooted culturally implanted phenomena of family and religious practices. On conclusion we propose some salient recommendations such as: a) Assurance of healthy educative ambient; b) an inter-related approach to characterformation; and c) A serious call to review the situation of the immigrants to implement a fair and just legal settlements for the immigrants to promote social and psychological integrity.