Diagnosis of tumors is among the most commonly performed tasks in pulmonary pathology, and the chapters on tumors in Dail and Hammar: Pulmonary Pathology have been singled out for special praise for their authoritative discussions and comprehensive lists of references. In reviewing the first edition, Diagnostic Cytopathology said: "the chapter on common lung neoplasms is like a book within a book." In revising the chapter on uncommon lung tumors, Dr. Dail added nearly 500 new references and 100 new illustrations.
The present proposal is to make the chapters on tumors from the second edition of Pulmonary Pathology available to the broad range of pathology residents and clinicians who will not buy Pulmonary Pathology, 2nd ed. for their personal libraries because of its size and cost.
The present proposal is to make the chapters on tumors from the second edition of Pulmonary Pathology available to the broad range of pathology residents and clinicians who will not buy Pulmonary Pathology, 2nd ed. for their personal libraries because of its size and cost.