In this book, we tried to investigate a relationship between accounting quality and method of financing. In other words, we investigated an impact of accounting quality and investment restrictions and methods of financing. Furthermore, we used controlling variables like size of company, tangibility, leverage, ROE in order to evaluate the performance of company's investment. Following we used two methods of least-squares and endogenous switching regression and results indicated that internal information played a complementary role for accounting quality and by improving accounting quality; impact of asymmetry information on cash flow investment will decrease. Moreover, there was a negative and significant relationship exists between accounting quality and cash flow investment. In other words, by improving accounting quality; cash flow investment will decrease, and it leads to reduce financial restrictions. Following, we tested impact of accounting quality on bank credits and capital rising.Consequently, by increasing accounting quality, the amount of credit banks will increase. Meanwhile, there was not significant relationship between accounting quality and capital rising.