Suchergebnisse für ""Shaheen Aziz""

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Electricity Generated through Microbial Fuel Cell with Bio-Statistics
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Nivetha K.
Debabrata Samanta
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Broschiertes Buch
14. November 2018
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Industrial waste water treatment using Microbial Fuel Cell
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Abdul Sattar Jatoi
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From fundamental to its application
19. März 2019
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Study of Double Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell using Mediator
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Farhana Chowdhury
Muhammad Hasnan Sazzad
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An Attempt to Generate Current in Cost Effective Manner
13. September 2013
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Study of Modelling of Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell
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Nidhi Umarav
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Step towards Sustainable Development
28. Februar 2012
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Application of Carbon Nanostructure Materials in Microbial Fuel Cell
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Mostafa Ghasemi
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Carbon nano structure electrode and Carbon nanocomposite PEM as proper alternatives of Pt and Nafion 117 in MFCs
10. Oktober 2014
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Microbial Fuel and Chemical Production Using Sweet Potatoes
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Mannana Ntoampe
Diane Hildebrandt
David Glasser
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Microbial production of biofuels and chemicals from sweet potatoes
11. Januar 2019
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Economic Production of Hydrogen from Water & Utilization in Fuel Cell
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Ashfaq Mohammad Saad
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Md. Shamim Akhter
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26. April 2017
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Microbial biofilm control strategies
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Shuyu Hou
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Understanding and controlling microbial biofilm formation by surface engineering and novel biofilm inhibitors
25. Oktober 2010
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Bio-butanol: A road forward for sustainable future fuel
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Pravat Kumar Swain
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20. September 2017
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

A deeper insight into the science of biogas and bio-slurry production
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Aloys Osano
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The science of biogas and bio-slurry production in developing nations
7. Dezember 2021
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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