On September 11, 2001, Shanna was an ambitious, eager and healthy young woman embarking on her career in New York City when she witnessed the unthinkable. Nine months later, she returned to the toxic Ground Zero a little too soon...Fast forward 10 years, and the peak of her career, and Shanna was handed a devastating diagnosis that changed her and her young family's life forever.'How I Chose the Life I Wanted: Sincerely, Shanna' shares a series of letters written over seven years about how her devastating health diagnosis gave her the courage to make important changes in her life. It put her life into sharp focus and gave it more meaning.Shanna takes you from the top of the world to the depths of the country's finest cancer institutions and then back, up and around on her roller coaster ride to acceptance. You will cry with sadness then reel with delight as Shanna desperately turns her unfair hand at life into inspirational messages for her generation. Shanna Joseph lives with her husband and 2 daughters in Westchester County, NY. This is her first book. The watercolors in this book are her own work and are for sale via email at shanna_joseph@hotmail.com. All proceeds will go to the Breast Cancer Research Fund (BCRF).
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