The use of poetry in language teaching allows students to explore topics of universal human concern and to embody life experiences, observations, and the emotions that arise from them. The teacher should choose the poem based on the interest of the students, the teacher should be creative and understand the students. Learning to read and write poetry can be very beneficial for English language learners. It provides an opportunity to experiment with language, vocabulary, rhythm and rhyme patterns, and to exchange ideas and learn about different cultures without being limited by strict grammar and sentence structure. Learning English in poetic form has always been interesting. Many poems are playful and positive in content. Such poems help to improve the emotional mood, encourage everyone to be optimistic, that is, they do their positive work in the development of linguistics. In schools and institutions of higher education, practicing the language learning method by studying poemsalways allows students to independently choose the poem they like. It is not difficult to learn poetry in English.