Sejal Parikh Foxx, PhD, is an associate professor of counselor education and the director of the school counseling program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Stanley B. Baker, PhD, NCC, LPC, is professor of counselor education at North Carolina State University. He is the founding editor of Professional School Counseling. Edwin R. Gerler, Jr., EdD, is professor of counselor education at North Carolina State University and the founding editor of The Journal of School Violence.
Preface Acknowledgements 1. The School Counseling Profession 2. Toward a
Comprehensive Model for Professional School Counseling 3. Accountability
and Assessment in School Counseling 4. Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
in School Counseling 5. Advocacy in School Counseling 6. Leadership and
Collaboration in School Counseling 7. Prevention Programming in School
Counseling: Serving All Students Proactively 8. Individual and Group
Counseling: Responding to Selected Needs in Schools 9. Referral and
Coordination in School Counseling 10. School Counselor Consultation: A
Bridge Between Prevention And Intervention 11. Partners in Building a
Post-secondary Education Going Culture 12. Beyond the Training Program: A
School Counseling Career Appendix A: CACREP Standards for Student
Counseling Programs Appendix B: ACSA Mindsets and Behaviors for Student
Access Appendix C: Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies
Appendices References