Scruffy, the True Tale of An Orphan Doggie is a gripping and heartwarming story narrated by a courageous little dog. Her family in rural Colombia is displaced by war and forced to flee from the homestead where they have lived for generations. As they slowly make their way to the city in search of sustenance the family suffers further downturns and are forced to sell their remaining possessions, including Jacobo the burro, Scruffy's dear friend. When her last protector, little Marta, takes ill and is rushed to a poor people's hospital, Scruffy is lost in the big city! In search of things gone, Scruffy endures adversity on the street until she is almost ready to give up. But in this depth of despair she finds hope, help, and love, and she learns that her sad past actually has built the road to a redemptive future.
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