The research work was done on the acid soil where three different sources of the liming materials i.e Paper mill sludge, Stromatolye, Caicium Silicate etc. Among these liming materials the stromatolyte perform better compare to the others. It neutralised the acidity due to Hydrogen,Aluminium and raised the pH more compare to other sources of liming materials. It also gives the higher plant growth,higher chlorophyll content, higher biomass & grain yield, higher root growth, higher cation exchange capacity in soil,higher organic carbon content in soil and higher concentration,uptake & recovery of the nutrients in plants. The combine application of the different sources of the liming materials with FYM gives the better result compare to application of lone sources of the liming materials. Because the FYM increases the efficiency of liming materials, increases the availability of the nutrients and decreases the losses of the available nutrients in the soil. The soil test recommended dose of the fertilizer like Navaratna,Urea,DAP and MOP supply adequate amount of the nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulfur etc. Control treatment gives the good comparisons of nutrients.