Traditional medicine is the sum total knowledge, skills and practices based on theories, beliefs and experiences. While for many traditional medicinal products scientific documents on safety, efficacy and quality are scare in spite of these products have been "field-tested" for centuries by thousands of people. Though, empirical knowledge has been accumulated in the communities and passed on by generation of healers Traditional system of medicine has its own taken care of the health for the last few thousands of years. Later, this empirical knowledge also contributed for the development of Indian System of Medicine. The book tried to compile various aspects of Standardization of ten Indian Medicinal plants and their scientific evaluation. Authors convey deep thanks to our great, young and dynamic Directors Shri Arpit Agrawal ji and Shri Amit Agrawal ji for unconditional support, family feelings, and everlasting encouragement.Authors give thanks to our Academic Director Prof. C. K. Ojha. Authors are also grateful to Department of Science and Technology, Jaipur for providing us financial support under the auspcies of Centre with Potential for Excellence in Biotechnology.