The nation state is the binary entity in the international system especially in the post colonial world. These entities are distinct as well as indistinct in the overall international structure. The process of state formation is a complex process which includes certain denominators like political, social, economic, and military aspects and their interrelations. Pakistan and Turkey have certain similarities as well as some stark differences when we consider different denominators of state formation. Both the countries share religious ideologies but their formation pattern represents completely different philosophies. Both the countries till this point have not achieved what their founders had aspired for, but Turkey stands at a favorable position and well set position to achieving its goals as it is one of the fastest growing economies. Political development, relative identities, religious beliefs, place of religion in the overall state structure, economic development patterns andaspirations, and most importantly the civil military relations that represents a distinct similarity in the historical development of both the states; are the touchstone of this comparative study.