Journey to a magical world of underwater caves, ancient ruins, and mystical guides in this enthralling tale of self-discovery. When Rosa follows a series of mysterious clues to the shores of Cuba, she finds herself plunged into a forgotten underwater city. Led by her spiritual mentor, the archangel Gabriel, Rosa uncovers ancient secrets encoded in sacred hieroglyphs and cave paintings. She learns of a cosmic battle between good and evil forces over healing plant medicines and purified waters that hold the key to humanity's spiritual evolution. With the help of her sister Brass, a daring pilot, and two treasure-hunting ex-military men, Rosa seeks to share these medicinal pearls of wisdom and illuminate a positive path forward. However, dark powers aim to suppress this ancient knowledge. Traversing crystalline labyrinths, ethereal landscapes, and even the cosmic fabric of time itself, Rosa undergoes a spiritual metamorphosis from trauma victim to enlightened healer. This mystical adventure in Fever Induced blends spiritual awakening with ecological awareness into a tale of personal triumph. As Rosa reconnects with her inner wisdom, creative power, and unconditional self-love, she emerges as a guiding light for others. Her courage in the face of peril will leave you spellbound until the final pages.
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