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Although it offers an appropriately complex treatment of the American past, Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury/Sitkoff/Woloch/Rieser's THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 10th EDITION, requires no prerequisite knowledge from students. The approach is not only comprehensive, but readable, lively and illuminating. It is attentive to the lived historical experiences of women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans -- that is, of men and women of all ethnic groups, regions and social classes who make up the American mosaic. This text seeks…mehr

Although it offers an appropriately complex treatment of the American past, Boyer/Clark/Halttunen/Kett/Salisbury/Sitkoff/Woloch/Rieser's THE ENDURING VISION: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, 10th EDITION, requires no prerequisite knowledge from students. The approach is not only comprehensive, but readable, lively and illuminating. It is attentive to the lived historical experiences of women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans -- that is, of men and women of all ethnic groups, regions and social classes who make up the American mosaic. This text seeks to encourage students� spatial thinking about historical developments by offering a map program rich in information, easy to read and visually appealing. Visual culture -- paintings, photographs, cartoons and other illustrations -- is investigated throughout all chapters in the volume.
Paul S. Boyer, Merle Curti Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University. An editor of NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN, 1607-1950 (1971), he also co-authored SALEM POSSESSED: THE SOCIAL ORIGINS OF WITCHCRAFT (1974), for which, with Stephen Nissenbaum, he received the John H. Dunning Prize of the American Historical Association. His other works include URBAN MASSES AND MORAL ORDER IN AMERICA, 1820-1920 (1978), BY THE BOMB�S EARLY LIGHT: AMERICAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE AT THE DAWN OF THE ATOMIC AGE (1985), WHEN TIME SHALL BE NO MORE: PROPHECY BELIEF IN MODERN AMERICAN CULTURE (1992), and PROMISES TO KEEP: THE UNITED STATES SINCE WORLD WAR II (3e, 2003). He is also editor-in-chief of the OXFORD COMPANION TO UNITED STATES HISTORY (2001). His articles and essays have appeared in the �American Quarterly,� �New Republic,� and other journals. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Los Angeles; Northwestern University; and the College of William and Mary.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Rezension
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Besprechung von 15.03.2013

Getrübtes Vermächtnis

Wenige Wochen vor seinem Tod im vergangenen Frühjahr schloss der Historiker Paul Boyer noch die Arbeit an seinem letzten Buch ab. Es führt in knapp hundertvierzig Seiten durch die amerikanische Geschichte von der vorkolonialen indianischen Vergangenheit bis zur Präsidentschaft von Barack Obama. Boyer hat über die Kolonialzeit genauso geforscht wie über die Kultur des frühen Atomzeitalters oder das Endzeitdenken in Amerika. Da sind die Erwartungen an eine Gesamtschau hoch. Dieser Einführungsband setzt auf lebendige Details und prägnante Zitate, aber auch auf manche allzu sehr dem Cliffhanger-Prinzip verpflichtete Überleitung. Zur Enttäuschung wird er wegen vieler Nachlässigkeiten, die ein renommierter Verlag wie Oxford hätte korrigieren müssen, um aus dem Buch des zuletzt schwer kranken Autors ein würdigeres Vermächtnis zu machen. So liest man von Angriffen der Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg auf "Dresden an der Donau" oder stolpert über Wiederholungen in den beiden Schlusskapiteln. Und der Kontinentalkongress von Philadelphia soll die weltberühmten Worte "Streben nach Glück" in die Unabhängigkeitserklärung eingefügt haben? Thomas Jefferson hätte gestaunt. (Paul S. Boyer: "American History". A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, New York 2012. XIX + 161 S., Abb., br., 9,99 [Euro].)


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