Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer bright prospects for the developing countries in picking up the pace for economic growth, reducing poverty and promoting sustainable micro development. The role of ICTs in rural areas as an impetus for development has long been acknowledged and therefore numerous public or private sector organizations, donor agencies are involved in ICT related projects with the aim to improve quality of rural life. ICTs are believed to bring about social and economic development by creating an enabling environment. Almost every single activity in the modern world is becoming more dependent on the application of ICTs for one use or another.Mobile and its application adds fabric to fishing community and helps to boast its income the use of mobile makes aware of many fishery information, problems and its solution within a sort period of time by talking with experts through Kissan Call Centres no.s and Fishery officers. Ultimately, itssaves time, money and increase income of the fishermen. Mobile phone and its applications and services help to increase our knowledge and skill in fishery sector.