Introduction: Creativity and literacy learning
Prue Goodwin; Chapter 1 The arts and literacy in primary classrooms
Liz Laycock; Chapter 2 The body of learning: the eight senses in literacy and creativity
Ann Whittle; Chapter 3 Discovering creativity on the playground
Elizabeth Grugeon
Louise Harding; Chapter 4 Literacy
creativity and popular culture
Margaret Perkins; Chapter 5 DARE to Quack
Rebecca Sinker
Victoria de Rijke; Chapter 6 Creativity and picture books
Judith Graham; Chapter 7 Creative readers at Key Stage 2
Catriona Nicholson; Chapter 8 What could happen next? The potential of the talking book
Ruth Wood; Chapter 9 Closely observed poems
Michael Lockwood; Chapter 10 Drama and writing: enlivening their prose
Teresa Grainger; Chapter 11 Dance and the literacy curriculum
Jill Newbald
Prue Goodwin; Chapter 12 The potential and possibilities of musical and physical literacies
Angela Pickard
Justine Earl; Chapter 13 Looking to be literate
Prue Goodwin; Chapter 14 Literacy
creativity and moving image media
Wendy Earle;