The Augustinians, an order of friars whose history goes back to the thirteenth century, appeared as missionaries very early in the new American Republic. They were few in number, however, and their institutional growth was slow. This study concentrates therefore on outstanding individual friars, examining their life and achievement in the setting of their times. Thus, for example, Patrick Moriarty, a tempestuous Irish friar, is portrayed largely in the context of the nineteenth-century cultural and political conflict between Catholics and Nativists. This thoroughly researched book is an interesting and worthwhile contribution to the religious history of the United States, for it deals not only with the early development of the Augustinians, but also with a number of wider topics that are of interest to the American reader.
"This is a well researched, smoothly written, candid history of a religious Order which has made a significant contribution to the Catholic Church in the United States. Established in America, contemporary with the founding of the Republic, it has shared in the development of the educational, missionary, and pastoral progress of American Catholicism. This work fills well a gap in the religious history of the nation."(Joseph L. Shannon, Augustinian College) "This twelfth volume in the American Series of the studies in St. Augustine and the Augustinian Order presents a story of heroism told exceptionally well and documented thoroughly." (Hugh J. Nolan, The Catholic Historical Review)
"...Ennis does an admirable job of placing his narrative in the wider context of American Catholic history." (Thomas J. Shelley, Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique)
"La narración de Ennis, bien integrada en la historia político-religiosa de América y de la orden agustiniana, se lee con agrado." (Ángel Martínez Cuesta, Recollectio)
"...Ennis does an admirable job of placing his narrative in the wider context of American Catholic history." (Thomas J. Shelley, Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique)
"La narración de Ennis, bien integrada en la historia político-religiosa de América y de la orden agustiniana, se lee con agrado." (Ángel Martínez Cuesta, Recollectio)