This story is centered around two friends, Joshua Kincaid, and Harold "Hog" Baker, who are sons of Kansas wheat farmers. Their family farms are within a couple miles from each other's, and both are third generation deep with tradition. It is circa the mid 60's, when the United States was on the verge of anarchy from social unrest; with a new generation whose mantra was, "Don't trust anyone over thirty!" Many were involved with anti-government rallies, which coincided with the anti-war movement, who were opposed to the Vietnam War which, spawned the birth of "The hippy". This sub-culture's phrase was, "Make Love Not War!", and they followed Dr. Timothy Leary's beliefs, their generation needed to "Turn On, Tune In and Drop Out!" All this, combined with the Equal Rights movement spear headed by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., had the entire nation at a crossroads. The two friends, Josh and Hog, were somewhat out of the loop with most of the nation's unrest, mainly because of their social distance; their families farms were about two miles on the outskirts or the small city of Great Bend, Kansas, named for its location at the historic big bend of the Arkansas River. Their days were filled with the everyday routine of farm life, and buffered from anything outside their small city, farm lives. This story takes these two young men, along with their friends, from the innocence of their teens years, to when they are thrust into Vietnam battle fields, and finally to their adulthood.
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