With the power of the internet, marketing your product or service is easier than ever. Watch out! This means many businesses can have the same marketing advantages that you do. You may only have one chance to make your case and win a new customer...or do you? There are critical points in the online world where a potential customer must be engaged if you want the opportunity to win their business. With the power of today's digital marketing tools you can reach potential clients and customers when they are looking for you and before they even know they need you. This book explores the possibilities that online marketing provides to savvy business men and women, like you, to reach your target customer and make your case again and again until you finally win that customer's business and loyalty. When you understand the tools that are available to every business and know how to execute a critical point marketing campaign online, you will win new customers and clients and dominate your market.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.