Boys? underachievement has become a topical issue in recent years. Within the New Zealand primary school that is the focus of this study it was a catalyst for a ?Boys? Project? which encompassed a range of innovations designed to address boys? underachievement by re-culturing the school to make it a more positive environment for them.Literature reveals contrasting and conflicting theoretical perspectives that contribute to the debate around boys? achievement. One perspective accepts that boys and girls are different and schools should be expected to change so that these differences can be accommodated. The alternative perspective suggests that differences between girls and boys should not be viewed as inevitable and that, for boys, schools and society should work to change unhelpful attitudes and behaviours if their learning needs are to be addressed.Boys? underachievement is indeed a complex issue. This research concludes that educational outcomes for boys will be positively affected by a school culture that fosters strong relationships, a focus on learning, and an understanding of how beliefs and attitudes about gender are influential on learning.