Facial trauma also called maxillofacial trauma is any physical trauma to the face. Anatomic structure of the face is composed of soft tissue and hard tissue foundation [Bones, teeth and cartilage]. Careful examination of the skin is essential for making best tissue match for aesthetic reconstruction.The leading cause of maxillofacial trauma is road traffic accidents which account for more than 70% of road traffic accidents. Other causes are interpersonal violence, sports injuries, industrial accidents, may be isolated or associated with underlying bony fractures, injury to teeth, motor or sensory nerves, parotid duct, eyes or brain. Soft tissue injuries are classified into abrasions, lacerations, contusions, incised wounds, avulsive or degloving injuries. Facial reconstruction becomes a major challenge for maxillofacial surgeons.Primary repair of soft tissue injuries is always advantageous over delayed secondary repair. Because early repair and reconstruction involves replacementof soft tissues before significant scarring and contracture of wound has occurred.