Suchergebnisse für ""Rewaida Abdel-Gaber""

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Helminth Parasitic Infection in the Organs of Indian River Buffalo
45,99 €
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Samreen Mirza
Aly Khan
Nasira Khatoon
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Broschiertes Buch
Study of Cellular Changes in Liver, Intestine and Kidney of Bubalus bubalis (Indian River Buffalo) from Sindh, Pakistan
15. Juni 2016
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

A Practical Book on Parasitic Protozoa and Helminthes
24,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Pramod Rokade
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Broschiertes Buch
18. Juli 2016
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Human Population of Swat, Pakistan
40,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Wali Khan
Noor- Un- Nisa
Aly Khan
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Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Different Occupational and Age Groups in Human Population of Swat, Pakistan
10. Februar 2015
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Soil and parasitic nematodes of Cucurbits in West Bengal, India
68,99 €
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Payel Dattaray
Subhadeep Roy
Buddhadeb Manna
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Broschiertes Buch
6. Juli 2013
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Parasitic Loads on Houseflies Musca Domestica in Mouau
26,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Emmanuel Onyenwe
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Broschiertes Buch
19. März 2019
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Parasitic Infections of Sheep and Goats and prospects for Tick control
26,99 €
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Arnold Achancho
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Broschiertes Buch
10. Mai 2016
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Parasitic Infection,Histopathological Changes in Organs of P. cinctus
52,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Shakila Parveen
Nasira Khatoon
Aly Khan
  (Aktuell noch keine Bewertungen)
Broschiertes Buch
Histopathological Changes in Various Organs of Edible Fish Plectorhynchus cinctus & Haplogenys petersi of Karachi Coast
29. November 2016
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Parasitic helminths of freshwater fishes of Bhopal, India
51,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Pinky Kaur
Rekha Shrivastav
Tufel Ahmad Qureshi
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Helminth Parasites of Teleosts
24. Februar 2012
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

The Effect of a New Compound (Ravinol Salts) and Yemeni Honey on Cutaneous Leishmania Parasites and Skin's Microbes
47,95 €
inkl. MwSt. und vom Verlag festgesetzt.
Versandfertig in 1-2 Wochen
Mansour Abdulnabi Hadi Mehdi
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Broschiertes Buch
1. Auflage
22. Februar 2019
GRIN Verlag

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