Reza AfshariHuman Rights in Iran
The Abuse of Cultural Relativism
A Note on Transliteration
Human Rights Discourse
Main Sources Used in This Book
UN Reports
Prison Memoirs and Their Significance
The Structure of the Book
Ch. 1. Islamic Cultural Relativism in Human Rights Discourse
Ch. 2. The Shiite Theocracy
Ch. 3. The Right to Life
Ch. 4. The Right to Freedom from Torture
Ch. 5. The Right to Liberty and Security of Person and to Freedom from
Arbitrary Arrest
Ch. 6. The Right to a Fair Trial
Ch. 7. The Right to Freedom of Conscience, Thought, and Religion
Ch. 8. Renounce Your Conscience or Face Death: The Prison Massacre of 1988
Ch. 9. The Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion: Iranian
Religious Minorities
Ch. 10. Official Responses to the United Nations: Countering the Charges of
Violations in the 1980s
Ch. 11. Change of Tactics After Ayatollah Khomeini's Death
Ch. 12. The Special Representative's Meetings with the Judiciary and
Security Officials
Ch. 13. The Right to Freedom of Opinion, Expression, and the Press
Ch. 14. The Most Revealing Cases of Violations of the Right to Freedom of
Expression and the Press
Ch. 15. The Rights to Participate in the Political Life of the Country and
to Peaceful Assembly and Association
Ch. 16. The Rights of Women
Ch. 17. UN Monitoring, 1984-2000: Mixed Results
Selected Bibliography