Practical Manual to Obstetrics & Gynecology aims to offer by providing comprehensive coverage of all practical aspects of obstetrics and gynecology from both examination and viva point of view. This is a complete manual that would serve as a thorough guide for undergraduate students, not a short read before examinations. This undergraduate student-friendly handbook on obstetrics and gynecology contains the most recent information and instructions to help them get ready for practical examinations as well as viva voce. The postgraduate students will also benefit from using this book to review their fundamentals. The book covers all significant themes that a student may meet throughout the practical viva test, including taking history and looking at our simple objective in writing this book was to give the foundational text that would enable students to incorporate obstetrics and gynecology into their practice and analyze new literature using these fundamental principles. For a better comprehension of the subject, the text is heavily illustrated with clinical pictures, diagrams, and tables.