In the desolate world of "A Spiritual Tribe," society as we know it has collapsed, leaving behind a lawless frontier where survival is a constant struggle. The story follows our resilient protagonist, Spirit Kimberly Harris, a former martial artist tormented by her past, as she navigates through a treacherous landscape plagued by violence, scarcity, and a corrupt ruling class. What sets "A Spiritual Tribe" apart is the infusion of science fiction elements into this rugged western setting. In this world, advanced technology coexists with the remnants of the Old West, giving rise to peculiar inventions, mysterious artifacts, and peculiar phenomena. As Spirit finds her boyfriend Runny, they seek redemption and fights for justice, they uncover a conspiracy that intertwines the past and the future, threatening the very fabric of this broken society. My novel explores themes of resilience, redemption, and the power of the individual to challenge oppressive systems. Through the juxtaposition of the Old West's romanticized ideals and the grim realities of a dystopian future, "A Spiritual Tribe" offers a fresh and thought-provoking take on the genre. It combines the rugged action and moral dilemmas of a western with the imaginative possibilities of science fiction, appealing to readers who crave both thrilling adventures and intricate world-building. I have completed the manuscript, which stands at approximately 170,000 words, and I believe it has strong series potential. With its cinematic visuals, compelling characters, and unexpected plot twists, I am confident that "A Spiritual Tribe" will captivate readers and leave them eagerly anticipating future installments.
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