Suchergebnisse für ""S. Kalavathy""

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Calotropis procera
36,99 €
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Biotechnological and Phytochemical Aspects of Endophytic Bacteria
24. November 2021
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Commercialization of Underutilized Plants for Poverty Reduction
42,99 €
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Barirega Akankwasah
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Broschiertes Buch
27. Dezember 2016
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Detection of Lysozyme in Tuberous Plants and Calotropis procera latex
26,99 €
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Sakthivel Muthu
Palani Perumal
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Studies on Detection and Analysis of Lysozyme Activity in Some Tuberous Plants and Latex of Calotropis procera
2. April 2020
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Pharmacognostical studies and bioprospecting of Calotropis procera
51,99 €
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Anita Rana
Ashwani Kumar
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An hydrocarbon yielding plant with potential for pharmaceutical and industrial biofuel production
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Protochlorophyllide Reduction and Greening
41,99 €
Versandfertig in 1-2 Wochen
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Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1984
12. Oktober 2011
Junk Publishers / Springer / Springer Netherlands

Protochlorophyllide Reduction and Greening
109,99 €
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C. Sironval / M. Brouers (eds.)
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Gebundenes Buch
31. März 1984
Junk Publishers / Springer / Springer Netherlands

Nachweis von Lysozym in Knollengewächsen und Calotropis procera-Latex
26,90 €
inkl. MwSt. und vom Verlag festgesetzt.
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Sakthivel Muthu
Palani Perumal
  (Aktuell noch keine Bewertungen)
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Studien zum Nachweis und zur Analyse der Lysozymaktivität in einigen Knollengewächsen und Latex von Calotropis procera
3. Juni 2020
Sciencia Scripts

Wykrywanie lizozymu w ro¿linach bulwiastych i lateksie Calotropis procera
19,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Sakthivel Muthu
Palani Perumal
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Badania nad wykrywaniem i analiz¿ aktywno¿ci lizozymu w niektórych ro¿linach bulwiastych i lateksie prokera Calotropis
3. Juni 2020
Sciencia Scripts

Rasprostranennye bolezni prorostkow risa w orositel'noj sisteme Dadin Kowa, Gombe
14,99 €
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Umar D. Modibbo
Ishaku Bazhon Kimbekuzho
Bristone Basiri Pola
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Broschiertes Buch
7. Juli 2021
Sciencia Scripts

Detecção de lisozima em plantas tuberosas e látex Calotropis procera
19,99 €
Versandfertig in 6-10 Tagen
Sakthivel Muthu
Palani Perumal
  (Aktuell noch keine Bewertungen)
Broschiertes Buch
Estudos sobre detecção e análise da atividade lisozima em algumas plantas tuberosas e látex de Calotropis procera
3. Juni 2020
Sciencia Scripts

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