This story follows two young boys in 1946 from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. Their friendship shows us how people from different walks of life can love, grow, and support each other. Daniel comes from a broken farm in a home with an abusive, drunken father and a powerless but incredibly loving mother. Trauma and abuse forces Daniel to grow up long before his time, leaving him with many scars and insecurities. They sometimes get the better of him. Daniel's best friend, Samuel, deals with challenges caused by differences between himself and his warrior-brother Zasi. Samuel will be faced with a difficult decision that will one day need to be made for the betterment of his tribe. Samuel and Zasi dream of taking over the Chiefdom from their uncle, Chief Zondi. The story follows each boy as an individual and as friends. How will they overcome their challenges? Only time will tell.
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