Suchergebnisse für ""William Workman""

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Reports on the Means of Improving the Present Harbour and the Construction of Docks at Montreal [microform]
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John Young
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9. September 2021
Creative Media Partners, LLC

Speech of West Huron's M.P. on Canada's Merchant Marine and Its Influence on the Price of Grain and Help to Labor [microform]
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Edward Norman Lewis
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9. September 2021
Creative Media Partners, LLC

Reports in Relation to the Affairs of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal [microform]: and the Deepening of the Ship Channel in Lake St. Peter and t
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Letter of the Montreal Harbour Commissioners, to the Hon. Thomas J. J. Loranger, M.P.P., Provincial Secretary, &c., &c., on the Proposed Improvements
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Contract for a Line of Steamers to Run Between Quebec or Montreal & Liverpool, Between Messrs. McKean, McLarty & Co., and Her Majesty's Government [mi
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Harbor Dues and Transit Charges at Montreal and Atlantic Ports [microform]: a Communication From the Council of the "Montreal Board of Trade", and the
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By-laws of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal [microform]: Passed 26th October, 1855; Sanctioned, 28th November, 1855
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9. September 2021
Creative Media Partners, LLC

By-laws, Orders, Rules and Regulations of the Trinity House of Montreal [microform]: Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Governor General: Ordained 2nd Apri
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Instructions to Officers in British Possessions Abroad [microform]: Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869
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Broschiertes Buch
10. September 2021
Creative Media Partners, LLC

Lights, Shapes, & Signals for the Merchant Mariner: A Flash Card Study Guide
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Captain D. Green
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19. Oktober 2012
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