This study was intended to provide an analysis of the merger process of the Port Elizabeth Technikon on the basis change management models available according to theory. Before this discussion could ensue, it became necessary that the concept of change management be defined in detail so as to create a common basis of understanding in dealing with the change management models. Thereafter the merger process at the Port Elizabeth Technikon was analysed in order to give a clear anaysis of the processes that were followed and their eligibility. The Anderson and Anderson change model was used as a basis for devising questions in the questionnaire that was used as a data collection tool. The empirical study revealed that communication, consultation and resistance to change were not dealt with appropriately and as such staff morale was greatly sacrificed. Be that as it may, it suffices to say that there was still a chance to make things right. Some of the recommendations made were that top management needed to strengthen its communication, consultation and feedback mechanisms.