Suchergebnisse für ""Thomas Holdsworth""

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Sepoys, Siege & Storm - The experiences of a young officer of H.M.'s 61st Regiment at Ferozepore, Delhi Ridge and at the fall of Delhi during the Indian Mutiny 1857
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With Wellington's Light Cavalry - the experiences of an officer of the 16th Light Dragoons in the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns of the Napoleonic wars
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Bunbury of Maida: a History & Personal Experiences of the Campaigns in Holland, Egypt & Italy by a British Staff Officer-Memoir and Lite
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Charles J. F. Bunbury
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Charles Oman
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Adventures with the "Dirty Half Hundred"-the Peninsular War Reminiscences of an Officer of H. M. 50th Regiment of Foot
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John Patterson
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A Tiger on Horseback - The experiences of a trooper & officer of Rimington's Guides - The Tigers - during the Anglo-Boer war 1899 -1902
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With the Madras European Regiment in Burma - The experiences of an Officer of the Honourable East India Company's Army during the first Anglo-Burmese
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Light Bob - The experiences of a young officer in H.M. 28th and 36th regiments of the British Infantry during the peninsular campaign of the Napoleonic wars 1804 - 1814
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With Wellington's Light Cavalry - the experiences of an officer of the 16th Light Dragoons in the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns of the Napoleonic wars
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