Set in the picturesque countryside of Co. Cavan, the story follows 11-year-old Rosie O'Sullivan, an animal-loving girl with a fierce sense of responsibility. Her life changes when she meets Sweetpea, a talking fox who asks for her help to save their forest home from destruction by developers. With unwavering determination, Rosie, her family, and Sweetpea embark on a daring mission involving clever strategies, unexpected allies, and intense confrontations with the project's ruthless overseers. Through their shared bravery and compassion, they manage to thwart the developers, safeguard the forest, and earn recognition for their efforts. The tale intertwines themes of environmental stewardship, friendship, and courage, showcasing Rosie's growth as she faces challenges head-on to protect what she loves. The book's heartwarming resolution sets the stage for new adventures as Rosie and her family prepare for life in the forest among their animal friends.
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