The story is written in five segments to introduce the main characters. Starting with a segment entitled "Squire's Dragon", a young squire abused by his knight in training is introduced, and they come across a dragon while hunting. The knight and his horse flee leaving the young squire to face the dragon alone...
The next segment, "Dragon Trust", is told from the dragon's perspective in which a young man, formerly a prisoner of pirates, comes across the dragon who was wounded by a town sentry as he leisurely flew overhead...
The third segment "Simple Dragon" introduces a young boy who is unable to communicate with others because of a birth defect. He rescues a baby dragon from a tangle of vine and through a series of misfortunes and mishaps ends up fighting as a gladiator in the arena, soon becoming a favorite, and is pitted against such creatures as wolves and bears, giants and ultimately a dragon. The same dragon he had saved in his younger days...
In the final two segments "Dragon Knights" and "Dragon Power" all three characters come together when the land is under siege by a Dark Sorcerer and his Legion of Darkness. A vision is carried from out of the far north in which it is rumored that The Dark Sorcerer has a dragon under his control and three more riders with him, and the only way to fight against dragon riders is with other dragon riders. So the King's only Dragon Knight must recruit other riders, and searches out those from the other introductory segments. Once recruited and teamed together they face the Legion of Darkness only to learn that the vision's interpretation was not as simple as it seemed...
The next segment, "Dragon Trust", is told from the dragon's perspective in which a young man, formerly a prisoner of pirates, comes across the dragon who was wounded by a town sentry as he leisurely flew overhead...
The third segment "Simple Dragon" introduces a young boy who is unable to communicate with others because of a birth defect. He rescues a baby dragon from a tangle of vine and through a series of misfortunes and mishaps ends up fighting as a gladiator in the arena, soon becoming a favorite, and is pitted against such creatures as wolves and bears, giants and ultimately a dragon. The same dragon he had saved in his younger days...
In the final two segments "Dragon Knights" and "Dragon Power" all three characters come together when the land is under siege by a Dark Sorcerer and his Legion of Darkness. A vision is carried from out of the far north in which it is rumored that The Dark Sorcerer has a dragon under his control and three more riders with him, and the only way to fight against dragon riders is with other dragon riders. So the King's only Dragon Knight must recruit other riders, and searches out those from the other introductory segments. Once recruited and teamed together they face the Legion of Darkness only to learn that the vision's interpretation was not as simple as it seemed...
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