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  • Gebundenes Buch

This best-selling German text is based on and inspired by the Natural Approach, pioneered by Tracy D. Terrell. With it, students learn German through communicative contexts with an emphasis on the four skills as well as cultural competence, with grammar functioning as an aid to language learning, rather than as an end in itself. The abundance of interesting activities and readings in Kontakte ensure that students are exposed to rich language input, critical to language acquisition.
Table of contents:
Einführung A Themen Aufforderungen Namen Kleidung Farben Begrüßen und Verabschieden

This best-selling German text is based on and inspired by the Natural Approach, pioneered by Tracy D. Terrell. With it, students learn German through communicative contexts with an emphasis on the four skills as well as cultural competence, with grammar functioning as an aid to language learning, rather than as an end in itself. The abundance of interesting activities and readings in Kontakte ensure that students are exposed to rich language input, critical to language acquisition.

Table of contents:
Einführung A Themen Aufforderungen Namen Kleidung Farben Begrüßen und Verabschieden Zahlen Strukturen A.1 Giving instructions: polite commands A.2 What is your name? The verb heißen A.3 The German case system A.4 Grammatical gender: nouns and pronouns A.5 Addressing people: Sie versus du or ihr Einführung B Themen Das Klassenzimmer Beschreibungen Der Körper Die Familie Wetter und Jahreszeiten Herkunft und Nationalität Strukturen B.1 Definite and indefinite articles B.2 Who are you? The verb sein B.3 What do you have? The verb haben B.4 Plural forms of nouns B.5 Personal pronouns B.6 Origins: Woher kommen Sie? B.7 Possessive adjectives: mein and dein/Ihr Kapitel 1: Wer ich bin und was ich tue Themen Freizeit Schule und Universität Tagesablauf Persönliche Daten Strukturen 1.1 The present tense 1.2 Expressing likes and dislikes: gern / nicht gern 1.3 Telling time 1.4 Word order in statements 1.5 Separable-prefix verbs 1.6 Word order in questions Kapitel 2: Besitz und Vergnügen Themen Besitz Geschenke Kleidung und Aussehen Vergnügen Strukturen 2.1 The accusative case 2.2 The negative article kein, keine 2.3 What would you like? Ich möchte ... 2.4 Possessive adjectives 2.5 The present tense of stem-vowel changing verbs 2.6 Asking people to do things: The du-imperative Kapitel 3: Talente, Pläne, Pflichten Themen Talente und Pläne Pflichten Ach, wie nett! Körperliche und geistige Verfassung Strukturen 3.1 The modal verbs können, wollen, mögen 3.2 The modal verbs müssen, sollen, dürfen 3.3 Accusative case: personal pronouns 3.4 Word order: dependent clauses 3.5 Dependent clauses and separable-prefix verbs Kapitel 4: Ereignisse und Erinnerungen Themen Der Alltag Urlaub und Freizeit Geburtstage und Jahrestage Ereignisse Strukturen 4.1 Talking about the past: the perfect tense 4.2 Strong and weak past participles 4.3 Dates and ordinal numbers 4.4 Prepositions of time: um, am, im 4.5 Past participles with and without ge- Kapitel 5: Geld und Arbeit Themen Geschenke und Gefälligkeiten Berufe Arbeitsplätze In der Küche Strukturen 5.1 Dative case: articles and possessive adjectives 5.2 Question pronouns: wer, wen, wem 5.3 Expressing change: the verb werden 5.4 Location: in, an, auf + dative case 5.5 Dative case: personal pronouns Kapitel 6: Wohnen Themen Haus und Wohnung Das Stadtviertel Auf Wohnungssuche Hausarbeit Strukturen 6.1 Dative verbs 6.2 Location vs. destination: two-way prepositions with the dative or accusative case 6.3 Word order: time before place 6.4 Direction: in/auf vs. zu/nach 6.5 Separable-prefix verbs: the present and perfect tenses 6.6 The prepositions mit and bei + dative Kapitel 7: Unterwegs Themen Geographie Transportmittel Das Auto Reiseerlebnisse Strukturen 7.1 Relative clauses 7.2 Making comparisons: The comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs 7.3 Referring to and asking about things and ideas: da-compounds and wo-compounds 7.4 The perfect tense (review) 7.5 The simple past tense of haben and sein Kapitel 8: Essen und Einkaufen Themen Essen und Trinken Haushaltsgeräte Einkaufen und Kochen Im Restaurant Strukturen 8.1 Adjectives: an overview 8.2 Attributive adjectives in the nominative and accusative cases 8.3 Destination vs. location: stellen/stehen, legen/liegen, setzen/sitzen, hängen/hängen 8.4 Adjectives in the dative case 8.5 Talking about the future: The present and future tenses Kapitel 9: Kindheit und Jugend Themen Kindheit Jugend Geschichten Märchen Strukturen 9.1 The conjunction als with dependent-clause word order 9.2 The simple past tense of werden, the modal verbs, and wissen 9.3 Time: als, wenn, wann 9.4 The simple past tense of strong and weak verbs (receptive) 9.5 Sequence of events in past narration: the past perfect tense and the conjunction nachdem (receptive) Kapitel 10: Auf Reisen Themen Reisepläne Nach dem Weg fragen Urlaub am Strand Tiere Strukturen 10.1 Prepositions to talk about places: aus, bei, nach, von, zu 10.2 Requests and instructions: the imperative (summary review) 10.3 Prepositions for giving directions: an ... vorbei, bis zu, entlang, gegenüber von, über 10.4 Being polite: the subjunctive form of modal verbs 10.5 Focusing on the action: the passive voice Kapitel 11: Gesundheit und Krankheit Themen Krankheit Körperteile und Körperpflege Arzt, Apotheke, Krankenhaus Unfälle Strukturen 11.1 Accusative reflexive pronouns 11.2 Dative reflexive pronouns 11.3 Word order of accusative and dative objects 11.4 Indirect questions: Wissen Sie, wo...? 11.5 Word order in dependent and independent clauses (summary review) Kapitel 12: Die moderne Gesellschaft Themen Familie, Ehe, Partnerschaft Multikulturelle Gesellschaft Das liebe Geld Kunst und Literatur Strukturen 12.1 The genitive case 12.2 Expressing possibility: würde, hätte, and wäre 12.3 Causality and purpose: weil, damit, um ... zu 12.4 Principles of case (summary review)
School affiliation was listed as University of Iowa---Iowa City. Replaced by the University of Leipzig on 5/27/99.