The challenge of attaining the sustainable development is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today. The limited energy supplies, inappropriate industrialisation, water scarcities, soil degradation, dwindling resources and environmental pollution are resulting in major environmental crises in different parts of the world. This book on use of vermitechnology for solid waste management is written by Dr. V.K. Garg and Dr. Renuka Gupta. The book provides a comprehensive detail of vermicomposting process, quantification of urban solid wastes, their management by vermitechnology and use of vermicompost as a manure for crops using authors' own experimental data. This book has been compiled after doing experimental work for three years in laboratory as well as field trials. The book is divided into six chapters that provide detailed account of vermicomposting of different wastes and use of vermicompost in organic farming. This publication has been prepared primarily for under graduate students, graduate and doctoral researchers, civil engineers, scientists, decision-makers and policy makers involved in the management of solid wastes.