It is the driving force behind the worlds rotation, everybody talks about it, everybody is longing for it and everybody is denying it at the same time: love. Hollywood, nevertheless, mostly makes usage of only one facet of it. Moulin Rouge! is a film that perfectly puts to screen the worlds insatiable hunger for love. Observing it more precisely it becomes clear that it is not only about love, but mostly about the distinction among different types and transformations of it. Although constantly spelled with the same four letters, there is a great history behind the concept and its variety of different understandings. This book will not be a cultural-scientific work, nor is it sociological or psychological, and therefore does not focus on cultural differences, psychological differences or general human behavior, but mostly on the general western notions of love and how they are cinematically realized. This is a book for everybody who is fascinated by the many aspects of love, for everyone who is interested in musicals, for all those who adore Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge! and finally, and most importantly, for all who are interested in how love can be, and is, portrayed on screen.