Mobile phone technology dominantly controls our daily life whether for solemn business matter or for our social life through which we access the whole universe just in a tap away. Thus, the power of connectivity using the Internet through GSM (Global System for Mobile)/LTE (Latest Technology Extended) enhanced its usage in a way not having one can be considered as handicapped. Losing our device, leaving the device unattended and exposure of our password/pattern can make us not only lose our reputation in our social network presence but also might be a risk allowing others to have control over our activities by the features we use through applications in our phones.The problem here is that this screen-lock authentication feature is breakable and the device can be unlocked easily.Our application will manage to work on behavioral authentication by studying and analyzing the characteristics of the owner of the apparatus with a combination of signature and character usage scheme. Thispaper adopted the concept of machine learning from natural language processing so that an intelligent application can secure the device's content from unauthorized access.