What is known about English teachers' language in foreign classrooms? Does teachers' language have implications for students' language practice opportunities in classrooms? This research study explores these and other essential questions about for what purposes teachers use language and how students practice the language in the classroom. The essence of the work is established on the view that students' practice is desirable as a precursor to thier communicative language use. Especially in a place like Ethiopia where the majority of students have no social exposure to use English, the target language, practicing the language in the classroom in a natural way situation is the main opportunity. The paper thus mainly focuses on teachers' initiative languages such as elicitation acts and informative acts. Based on these acts, it attempts to investigate the extent to which such acts initiate students to use the target language in the classroom. Finally it portrays significant findingsand conclusions about the nature of English teachers' language use and how it deters students from practicing the language in order to express their own views in the classroom.